Read Everything you should know about Web Development Services and Know the Future of Website Development and Free Resources here.
The importance of Web Development has significantly increased in light of recent developments in digitization and the internet. Today, almost all businesses require a website in order to operate profitably. Because it helps a company’s revenues expand, website development is essential to its success.
This article will explain web development, discuss its past, present, and future, and share some of the tools you’ll need to get started. For people who want to learn more about development or turn into developers themselves, we will also share some free resources.
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What is Web Development?
The entire process of developing websites so they may be hosted on the internet or intranet is known as Web Development or Website Development. Web Design, Website Content Development, Client-side/Server-side Scripting, and Network Security Settings are all part of the Website Development process.
Additionally, to make content modifications simple, Content Management Systems (CMS) are commonly used in Website Development.
How Important is Web Development?
The development of websites is essential to business promotion. Businesses can use it to help customers become aware of the products or services they are providing, understand why they should buy or use those products/services, and identify the characteristics that set their organization apart from rivals.
Without web development, it would be exceedingly challenging for any company to make a name for itself on a global scale.
The following are some Advantages of Web Development for Companies:
- Extend your Reach
- Keep your Brand’s Identity
- Brings in Devoted Clients for your Business
- Increased Sales Reduce Expenses
History of Web Development
In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee created the idea for the World Wide Web. At the European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN, he worked as a scientist. In 1990, this concept gave rise to the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).
The early versions of HTML were text-centric with little room for images, content positioning, or formatting. On the other hand, HTML, which was based on SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), became an essential component of a website. SGML made it simple for programmers to create user-friendly, interactive website layouts.
Mosaic Browser: Mosaic was the first web browser created. The National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois at Urbana established it in 1993. It supported the web’s development.
Cookies: Cookies are tiny files that an online user’s browser uses to store their selection of web pages. Their initial support came from the Netscape Mosaic browser in 1994.
CSS: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) were first introduced in 1994 by Opera Browser’s Hakon Wium Lie.
PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP), one of the most well-known web programming languages, was developed by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995. PHP runs on a server and supports SQL databases. It can also be included in HTML.
AJAX: Asynchronous web applications are made using AJAX, which was introduced in 1999.
Resources for Free Web Development Instruction
1. freeCodeCamp
The website freecodecamp.org is excellent for learning web development. A whole 3-000-hour website development course is available. It is an entirely free online coding Bootcamp.
A great Website Development program with a built-in coding environment is available there.
2. W3Schools
A website for web developers called W3Schools has a variety of information that ranges from basic to advanced. They provide well-structured content that enables you to learn from both theoretical and practical perspectives.
3. YouTube
To study web programming, there are many free video materials available on YouTube.
4. Web Development Books and Articles
A book or article will be a brilliant option if you enjoy reading and want to learn website development for nothing. Great articles and other materials may be found on some websites, like Mozilla Developer Network and Smashing Magazine.
Future of Web Development
Website development has a bright future. For any company or domain to offer its products or services online, a website is required. In this, website development is essential.
Worldwide companies are searching for experts who can develop the greatest websites for their online presence. Professionals that are knowledgeable about the newest frameworks and tools to build appealing websites are in high demand.
The subject of Web Development offers an exciting job with excellent advancement opportunities. At various points in your career, there will be a wide range of professional options available to you.
You must keep in mind that web developers in this field must stay current with new programming languages, frameworks, tools, and trends.
Continuous learning, problem-solving, and critical thinking are all important skills for web developers.